Buy Real Passport of Israel
Buy Real Passport of Israel
The Israeli government recently announced plans to make it more difficult for immigrants residing permanently in Israel to obtain Israeli passports, following numerous media reports such as Raviv Drucker’s investigation regarding newcomers who receive both their passports and Olim benefits, but then leave shortly afterwards. This change follows numerous reports in media including Raviv Drucker’s investigation highlighting newcomers receiving both at once only to leave shortly afterwards.
Acquisition of an Israeli passport begins with the Law of Return (1950), which grants all Jews regardless of nationality the right to become Israeli citizens – this includes anyone born to Jewish mothers or converting to Judaism.
Once you become a citizen, you are eligible to apply for an Israeli passport (oleh) valid for one year; once that year has expired, a five-year passport can be issued.
Converting Your Driver’s License As a returning resident, converting a foreign driver’s license into an Israeli one can be done within one year after returning and at least six months before.
Your application requires providing photocopies of a foreign license, an identification card and passport with stamps showing all dates you entered or existed Israel, in addition to having undergone physical examination by a doctor.
Non-citizen residents in Israel can obtain a green form (Form Rashal 18) confirming their good health at any of the various centers across Israel.