Cheap USB Drivers License Scanner

cheap usb drivers license scanner

Cheap USB Drivers License Scanner

An inexpensive USB drivers license scanner is the ideal way for migrant workers to save time on tedious data entry tasks while ensuring all collected information is correct. Manual data entry creates stress, fatigue and distraction – with even one typing error corrupting ID data! Mobile scanning tools enable faster data input by up to 20 times than manual typing reducing mundane work load while freeing people up for more important responsibilities.

With an affordable scanner like the Plustek iKnow, your phone can become an efficient employee and customer ID scanner that helps reduce human error, speed up work and enhance customer service quality. The iKnow turns PDF417 data into easily importable information that’s simple to integrate into existing systems – it will also automatically parse driver’s license or ID card data such as name, birthday, address, city state zip code ID number issue/expiry dates as well as bouncer mode to detect customers under specific age restrictions. Additionally, its bouncer mode automatically detects customers under specific age limits automatically!

Desko Penta 2D scanners provide another great alternative, instantly scanning both sides of a license at once without needing to flip it over. Easy, small, and fast, they can be connected directly into any computer (MAC, PC or LINUX) using its USB port and type out contact or payment data into an active form instantly – ideal tools for verifying age and detecting fake IDs.