Driver’s License Found on Dark Web

Driver's License Found on Dark Web

Buy Driver’s License Found on Dark Web Online

Not many people realize it, Driver’s License Found on Dark Web but criminals can also gain access to your driver’s license information through data breaches involving lost or stolen devices storing images of it containing your license image. Criminals could then use this data for fraud-related schemes.

Stolen driver’s license information fetches an average price of $20 on the dark web, much higher than stolen credit card data. This is likely because information contained on driver’s licenses can be used in a wide array of crimes, such as insurance and microloans fraud, money laundering operations and even drug trafficking activities. Criminals also frequently use fake licenses to change their mailing addresses in order to evade detection by law enforcement authorities.

Hackers exposed the personal information of 22 million American citizens through breaches, giving them access to thousands and millions of dollars from selling it on the dark web. They then took steps to impersonate victims and engage in serious fraud that takes years to uncover.

If Experian IdentityWorks has informed you of the appearance of your personal information on the dark web, it is essential to remain calm and take immediate steps to reduce risk.