Fake ID Vs Real ID
Fake ID vs Real Id in the United States refers to the legal distinction between fraudulent identification documents issued by criminal groups and genuine government issued identification documents issued by governments. While state laws differ regarding this distinction, most have standards regulations that any form of identification must meet in order to be accepted as valid identification. Using fake IDs is illegal across all 50 states and any attempts at using such false documents can carry serious repercussions if caught.
Conviction for possessing fake ID typically includes fines and community service requirements. Your license could also be suspended or revoked depending on state law; in some instances an experienced attorney could even help get these charges dropped altogether.
Borrowed IDs account for 95% of ID fraud cases. Minors often obtain these from older siblings or strangers within their social circle. To detect a borrowed ID, look out for discrepancies between its photo and who it belongs to; also make sure that physical characteristics match up.
Manufacturing or forged IDs can also be considered fake IDs, typically created from real IDs merged with stolen personal information. While manufactured or forged IDs are more difficult to spot due to improvements in counterfeit ID quality over the years, you should still check if they’re printed on thin plastic, feature UV imagery/holograms/laser embossing etc. before buying anything based on such claims.