How Migrants Can Get Drivers Permits in Texas

get drivers permit texas

How Migrants Can Get Drivers Permits in Texas

At this step in your driving journey, obtaining a Texas learner’s permit should not be overlooked as an important milestone. Our online parent taught driver’s ed course or traditional driving school offer such permits to give teens the chance to practice driving with an adult over 21 in the passenger seat – an essential step that should not be missed!

But, what happens if you are an immigrant looking to obtain your permit? Unfortunately, their path can be more challenging as the state has tightened up on this policy and now requires all drivers – regardless of citizenship status – to provide proof they are lawfully present in the country and have an expired visa that won’t expire within six months or less.

Anyone failing to meet these requirements will be required to attend the Impact Texas Driver (ITD) program, which is free and designed to raise awareness about distracted driving dangers for young and inexperienced drivers.

A new Texas license could not only add time and effort, but may make some people ineligible – particularly migrants – making driving harder than before for all Texans. Legislators are working on solutions to make driving simpler for all.