How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Passport?

how much does it cost to buy a passport

How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Passport?

Finding out that your travel plans have finally come together and the time has finally come for your trip, only to discover irreparable issues with your passport can be an enormous source of disappointment and stress. And for foreigners applying for US citizenship passports this process may prove more complicated and costly than for someone born elsewhere.

Cost for new adult passport is $165 ($115 application fee payable to the Department of State and $35 execution charge), while for child passports it costs $150 (110 application fee payable to Department of State and $30 execution charge).

Mail renewal passport prices remain the same at $130.

However, for those applying through traditional channels it can take anywhere from eight-11 weeks for processing of applications – prompting many travelers to opt for private expediting companies at increased costs instead.

According to the Second Citizenship Survey 2017 from CS Global Partners, wealthy people aren’t simply splashing out on private jets, yachts and luxury hotels – they are also purchasing second passports in record numbers – tripling their purchases over 2016. Not just rich people are taking note – more migrants are investing in Caribbean islands that offer visa-free travel programs such as Dominican Republic.