How to Get a Driving License in Poland – The Practical Aspects

How to Get a Driving License in Poland – The Practical Aspects

There are countless people who migrate to Poland in search of work as migrants, yet it can be challenging to acquire a driving license here.

Steps to Acquiring a Driving Licence in Poland

The first thing to keep in mind when applying for a Polish driving licence is that your foreign license alone won’t suffice – an International Driving Permit must also be presented – this process typically takes about a week in most countries; additionally if your driver’s licence originates in one of these four nations then additional theory tests and driving exams will need to be passed as well.

To apply for a Polish driving license, either in person at the city hall or via mail with passport photos and doctor’s approval attached. Once submitted, your Profil Kandydata na Kierowce (Driving Candidate Profile) will allow you to register for driving exams.

Once you pass the driving exam, your Polish driving license should arrive within a month. Although it requires extensive study time and dedication to succeed, its rewards will certainly make the effort worth your while!

If you are an immigrant, chances are your visa application has begun in earnest. It could take several months before authorities in your home country send all of your driving records over and confirm there are no red flags present on them.