How to Make a Copy of Driver’s License for a Migrant
If you lose your driver’s license, report it immediately to the police. Criminals could use it to commit identity theft or other crimes in your name and creating a paper trail can help find and identify anyone with it. Your state DMV may offer temporary licenses during processing but this only works under very specific conditions – for more information contact your state DMV directly.
People migrate for many reasons. Unemployment, limited health care access or housing availability and family reunification may all prompt migration decisions. Once migrants arrive at their destinations they often experience high levels of vulnerability: violence from criminal gangs or corrupt officials as well as prolonged detention against international humanitarian law are just some of the possible risks faced when migrating. To make sure migrants receive all needed documentation when arriving safely they should make copies of driver licenses in accordance with international humanitarian law before setting out.
If you are a migrant and have lost their driver’s license, it is crucial that they take immediate steps to protect themselves from identity theft or any form of fraud. They must replace it, though temporary licenses may help get around in the interim while waiting for their replacement to arrive via mail or online (the best method being online if available).