How to Make a Fake ID – The Penalties

how to make a fake id uk

How to Make a Fake ID – The Penalties

Even with schemes to prevent underage drinking at bars, it remains possible for those under 21 years of age with fake ID to gain entry to clubs and pubs with it. You might not convince bouncers or uniformed police officers at your local pub but this might get discounts for clothes and food at clubs – although beware: creating or possessing fraudulent documents such as IDs can often result in fines or jail time for their creator.

How can you recognize fake IDs? Clues may lie within the typeface or signature – if it appears too bold, or looks off-center (for instance Courier font), or features slab serif (such as Courier), then that could be a telltale sign that an ID may be falsely presented. Also be wary if its signature goes over an area it shouldn’t.

What Are the Penalties for Making a Fake ID UK? Gone are the days of clever college students selling homemade fake IDs to their peers; most now purchase them online from overseas manufacturers with special printers and send money through Western Union or similar services directly to China for printing; then in a few weeks their order arrives at their letterboxes. It is therefore essential that individuals understand all applicable penalties for making, owning and possessing such documents so as to avoid potential pitfalls when trying to use or possess one and when discussing immigration status matters with authorities.