No Passport Or Driving Licence For ID?
As a foreigner, obtaining a driver’s license can be challenging.
No Passport or Driving Licence Available for I.D? A driver’s license identifies you as a legal resident in the UK and serves as proof of identity when shopping, withdrawing money from ATMs, and using public transit.
Apply for your driver’s license with any government authority – whether that be the UK government or local councils – but each application process varies depending on what vehicle type is desired to drive.
To obtain a driver’s license in the UK, it is necessary to be legally resident for at least three years and to meet certain residency criteria. Once granted, however, your license may only last a certain length of time before expiring or being restricted in use.
What Is the Law? In 2005, Congress enacted the REAL ID Act which mandates states to meet certain security standards when issuing driver’s licenses to their citizens and for federal agencies not accepting those which do not fulfill those criteria.
The new laws in the US mark an enormous shift for everyone living here – including international students studying here. Under them, you must present valid immigration documentation such as a passport in order to obtain a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or identification card.
What forms of identification exist? Many countries around the world recognize an International Driving Permit (IDP), which allows drivers to legally drive in other countries. Contact the state department of motor vehicles in each state you plan on visiting to determine if an IDP is needed.