Real Credit Card Information For Foreigners
Real credit card information may be difficult for foreigners to secure, as credit cards require other information like CVV codes, credit limits and expiry dates in order to be accepted as payment methods. Finding this data can be particularly challenging for people not living in their host country and with no established credit history or history of migration. One solution may be for migrants to become authorized users on another person’s credit card in order to establish credit history while increasing their score – though doing this poses risk to the original cardholder.
Credit card numbers contain an abundance of data about their cardholder, such as their name, address and security code (CVV/CVC). The first digit, known as Major Industry Identifier or MII, provides details on what business the card is being used for while the second and final digit (Checksum) are there to protect against accidental errors in transmission or entry of primary account numbers.
The next six to eight digits represent issuer identification numbers (also called bank identification numbers or BINs). These identify the financial institution which issued the card – Visa cards begin with 51 to 55 characters while MasterCard begins with four. American Express uses fifteen digits. Finally, depending on its issuer, an individual account identifier of up to 12 digits may follow.